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Fourteen year old girl takes on magazine airbrushing

'Here’s what lots of girls don’t know. Those “pretty women” that we see in magazines are fake. They’re often photoshopped, air-brushed, edited to look thinner, and to appear like they have perfect skin. A girl you see in a magazine probably looks a lot different in real life.'

A fourteen year old girl is attempting to take on Seventeen magazine with a series of protests about photoshop and the art of re-touching women in magazines. She is calling for the magazine to feature more real girls in their issues and stop promoting unattainable figures.

It's nice to see young girls getting involved in protesting and standing up for things like this. I don't know how bad Seventeen actually is for airbrushing, etc as we have a different version of the magazine here and I haven't read Seventeen since I was....well....fourteen....but calling for a reduction in the use of airbrushing can't be a bad thing!

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