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Vogue Italia April 2014: Issa Lish, Natalie Westling & Bernd Sassmannhausen by Steven Meisel

As I told you on my post about this month's covers, this italian Vogue spread is quite interesting. It tells an story, and I always like that.

I'm not a big fan of horror movies, but I still like these pictures. I read a couple of articles where people complain about these images and the message they sent, since they think they are sexist. I seriously don't get these kind of complaints. Fashion is art. And I doubt my neighbour is going to kill me after watching these photos. I don't see how this is worse than the movies everyone watches.

I personally love it. But I have to say the male model steals the show. Natalie looks good too, and her hair helps her. Issa is not that good, to be honest.