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When Life Was Groovy: Mod Fashions for Summer!

It's the early 70s, technically still part of the 60s, so of course there has to be some of that vibe when stepping out during the summer....

Lots of pink on Wendy and you gotta love those groovy sunglasses!! (1)

And everyone step to the left.  Here we have Kathy, Wendy, and.....Kathy again???  Oh the magic of 70s photoshopping!  Those skirts are called "scooter" shorts.  I haven't heard that term before. (1)

And more photo shopping magic, this time with Colleen and everyone stepping forward.  And just in time for the 4th of July.

Yep, be a Yankee Doodle Dandy, in 70s groovy styling!! And Here the short skirt is calledd a pantskirt!!

And more early 70s grooviness in gay broadcloth and smoot poplin!

Looks like a great summer day for a bike ride in groovy late 60s flower patterns....

More mod prints, but I'm not so sure about that hat Colleen is wearing.  It definitely looks out of place for the late 60s!!!

(1) These pics are courtesy of Blue Senshi.  Thanks

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