It rained off and non the entire day yesterday. And that was before the tornado broke through the cold Autumn rain to elevate the excitement. But all that is in the past. Right now it's cold outside, but no rain or tornado style wind storms. And thankfully, the tornado didn't reach the area of Columbus, Ohio that I was living in. Ten states in the Midwest of the United States had more than seventy tornados---Ohio included. And some portions of Illinois witnessed some terrible damage. Thankfully, the tornado warnings through most of Ohio wasn't affected by the seventy separate tornados wrecking havoc across ten states in the Midwest---I hope. I'm sure I'll have a better idea about yesterday's tornado warning situation regarding Columbus, Ohio as the day progresses.
And as I'm lost in thought as the rain clouds drift towards another location, here are some photos of twin sisters Aly and AJ Michalka.
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