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A Flash New Camera

I've been eager to go for some walks over Christmas so that I could try out one of my Christmas presents from Mick, a new camera. I really don't understand photography so I'm going to invest in a book and try and learn a few things. We've had some miserable weather for walking, but Tuesday was a beautiful day, warm with blue skies, so we took advantage and headed off to Roundhay Park.

Many other people had the same idea, and we had a game of spot the Christmas present. There were children on bikes and scooters, many hats and scarves which looked brand new, and along with me, quite a few people had cameras in their hands.

This squirrel was a little shy, he didn't want his photo taking so he ran up a tree, but I still managed to snap him.

There were lots of ducks, swans and Canada geese on the lake.

This young swan was fishing for his dinner. Bottoms up!

You can walk right the way round the lake, but Archie has to be on his lead near water otherwise he jumps straight in, so we headed off in the other direction.

We managed to find some seasonal holly.

The water fountain was in action in the small lake.

It wasn't long before Archie had tired himself out and wanted a sit down.

The ice-cream man was doing a roaring trade. Eleanor added to his coffers.

I'd like to thank everyone who left Christmas wishes on my last post, they were very much appreciated. I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas. Our's has been quite low key this year, but we've spent lots of family time together, which is what I love the most.

I'd like to thank everyone who has visited my blog this year, and especially those who have left comments for me, I always appreciate them. I hope you'll continue to visit throughout the new year. May I wish everyone a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year, and all the very best for 2012.

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