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Batman Explains Why The BP Spill Is A Good Thing

Not to suggest that Bruce Wayne is a corporate shill for certain oil companies, but in Batman #251 (1973), Batman himself gives us a pretty strong argument that oil spills are a good thing.


Without oil spills, Batman would have been unable to find the Joker!!!

To be fair, Batman does acknowledge perhaps the biggest drawback of an oil spill:

Evil pets for the Joker!!

Still, in the final view, it's very clear that oil spills are a good thing for crime-fighters:

Without oil spills the Joker escapes!!

And the Caped Crusader gives us a final verdict:

The world's greatest crime-fighter is grateful for pollution!! Remember this lesson in 37 years, kids!!

Slay Monstrobot wishes to emphasize that we in no way believe that BP executives travelled back in time and paid young Denny O'Neill and Neal Adams large amounts of $$ for placing this message in 1970s Batman comics. Nope, don't believe that at all...

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