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Family ~ Black Bean Hummus

I'm sitting in my kitchen, sipping some herbal tea, trying to be very quiet.  Hubby will need his sleep today more than ever.  Especially these next couple of days.  He's trying to be strong, but having been a "brother" to his nephew from age 4-5, he had a very tight relationship.

I can't recall when his nephew wasn't there to help us in any predicament.  He never judged anyone that I know of, and was a very giving man and good father.  He held up the family for so many years, hosting get togethers at his house.

I'm hoping the aroma of two large pans of stuffed chick pea shells cooling, doesn't wake Hubby up.  Thankfully, I had some help from a daughter with these.  The macaroni salad is already in the refrigerator, iced tea and water are in the car, and a bag of more food is waiting to be delivered tomorrow morning.  It's to help with the meal after the funeral.
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