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Quick Opinion Post

I'm trying to decide on the flooring color. 

The samples are sitting on the fireplace mantle and the strip of wood on top of them is the color of the door trim for the bathroom door.

What do all of you think?

From left to right, the first color on the top is Cherry.  On the bottom is Cherry with Red Oak over it. Thin layers of both.  The second is Early American and the third is Red Oak, one with several layers and one with only two layers.

I'm honestly leaning towards the several layers of red oak, a dark color than the built ins.  Though the layers of cherry and red oak are nice as well.  Early American looks yellow to me.

Kitchen cabinets are going to be a cream color, maybe the Oyster Beige?  Keep things in the same color family?  Something neutral and light to brighten up the kitchen corner.  So a dark floor will be a nice contrast.

What do all of you think? 

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