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Short Post

This week, I managed to keep up with the days and not get ahead of myself or the calendar. This week ended up sunny and bright, unlike the middle of the week. Tommy is not balking at helping me load the dishwasher, he is just not ready, I suppose. 

Consequently, there was nothing to cook in or heat in tonight, Friday night. I ended up opening a can of Hormel Roast Beef, made Idahoan instant potatoes, and either peas or green beans. Then, I had a banana. He eats the peas; I eat the green beans. His putting off the emptying and filling of the dishwasher is annoying me. Tonight was a $7 dinner, unlike even picking up burgers. 

We will load the dishes on Saturday. Then, Sunday they will be taken from the dishwasher. This makes my life less stressful when the dishwasher is empty to fill as I go. 

He did help me get food sorted and took something from the living room that had been put off for weeks on end. He also used his walker to carry food to the bedroom where the overflow lives. This is the bedroom where things of mine live in boxes--the sewing patterns and notions. There is other stuff, but nothing comes to mind. 

Saturday was horrendous, so I will leave that for tomorrow. I am exhausted and disgusted. 

Do things ever pile up and not get done? UPDATE: Things piling up does not necessarily mean just dishes.

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