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Superman Returns costume worn by Brandon Routh...

I'm sure in the coming days and months there'll be lots of talk about Henry Cavill's new Superman suit in the forthcoming Man of Steel, but I still believe they got the iconic costume right for Brandon Routh in 2006's Superman Returns.
Original costume worn by Brandon Routh in Superman Returns
Brandon Routh Superman Returns costume
Being a huge comic book fan I personally prefer my superheroes in colourful capes and tights, and have no problems with them sporting what looks like their underwear over their leggings. The more fantastical the better if you ask me.

Superman Returns costume detail
Superman Returns costume chest symbol
Original Superman Returns costume
Superman Returns belt buckle
Superman Returns costume
Superman Returns costume boots
So Louise Mingenbach's reinterpretation of the classic Superman costume was a winner in my humble opinion and Brandon Routh did an admirable job of filling out those super-tights of DC Comics iconic hero.
Superman Returns Brand Routh suit
I'd previously spied this original costume on display at the London Film Museum, but on a return visit on May 15, 2012 I was able to get a closer look thanks to the suit being in a different display case.

I particularly like the diamond weave of the fabric which gave the costume a much more textured and less 'shiny tights' look.

And if you're a super-fan, be sure to check out these original props from Superman and Superman II on display.

Superman Returns movie poster
Superman Returns movie poster

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