Many years ago, my Mother shared a small inheritance with us. Three hundred dollars, we were to buy something we really wanted to remember our grandparents by. I tucked the money away, and have had one eye out for a spinning wheel. The antique ones were always too expensive. A new one was an affordable option, but I had never wanted to go just didn't seem right.
When the bidding on the spinning wheel started, I was in at 100, Far Guy was standing right behind me, whispering in my ear, 'You deserve it" 150 "you have the money saved" 200 "Don't let it go" 250 then the bids stalled..I thought I might get it at 250, no such luck, "Bid again" 270 "Don't quit" 290 " keep going till 350" 310...SOLD.. I got it..and then the tears started. I had to chew on the inside of my cheeks for about an hour, so I wouldn't be a blubbering idiot. Now everyone wants to know if I am going to learn how to spin.. maybe I will..maybe I will just look at it..someone from Far Guys side of the family wants me to spin him some yarn for some socks! I haven't a clue what all the pieces do, or where they go..or if it will ever spin anything. I do have a cousin that spins and has her own wheel, she has kindly offered to teach me..someday. I have some fiber, it is all saved up from our four Shelties, from years ago. I know how to knit and crochet so at least I won't have to learn how to do that too.
I need to thank my sister in law ( the eagle eye, who always sees Robin's before me) for being observant. My brother didn't like the way the bidding was going on the spinning wheel, he was about ready to start bidding..when his lovely wife said "I think your sister is bidding on it."
Now are you wondering why it was so emotional for me? Me, who rarely bawls about anything unless it involves a dog, a cat or a horse. It was such a mixture of happiness, unbelief and sadness all rolled into one. It was a circle completed. Something I apparently waited just the right amount of time for. Of all the beautiful pieces of furniture and all of the keepsakes there that day, I know that this spinning wheel was one of my Uncles favorite treasures. He would be happy. I was sad because I still miss him so much, even though he has been deceased a number of years.
My daughters may not be thrilled, another piece of odd ball furniture for them to deal with someday. I have contacted my uncles only brother for more details about the spinning wheel, hopefully he can help to recall more of the story that should accompany this spinning wheel. Maybe someday at another auction sale, someone will purchase it, maybe my brother. Whoever ends up with it, I hope they appreciate it as much as I do:)
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