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Thoughts on Single White Female

-Jennifer Jason Leigh is Bridget Fonda's doppleganger roommate who's also crazy, in case you haven't been present in the Western world for twenty-something years, you asshole.

-Well...this is this...

-I wasn't bored, but I really have nothing special to say about this. Quasi-Euro-trash, plenty of JJL nudity, etc.

-I liked Bridget Fonda more as an aging stoner chick in Jackie Brown. This is on purpose, probably, but she's just so...80/90s female protaganist, y'know? Sophisticated and metropolitan and she says shit like 'making love', and it just bugs the shit out of me. Jennifer Jason Leigh, meanwhile, is demented and off her shit and magnificent.

-Steven Webber, whatever his name is, is such a douche.

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