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YOP Week #19


Week #19 already?  Wasn't it just July?  Halloween is over and Thanksgiving in America is on the horizon!  My favorite time of year for sure.  This was a great week in the Ozarks!  The colors are at peak and probably on the down slope now but the temps are wonderful and it is just an awesome time of year here and no fire danger so far!

This was a good crafting week also...........

I finished the heel flap and gusset on sock number 1........onto the foot!  I wish I would have knitted them consecutively as that is my favorite way of sock knitting but I was too lazy to separate the skein at the time.  I just wanted to start knitting.

I worked on Coming to America and started it specifically on Election Day and it is my Thanksgiving cross stitch project.  Not much to see yet as I am doing the border...

I finally got my "rear in gear" and cut out the fabric and stiffener for Amy's Frida Kahlo basket....what is this year 3?  I ironed them and then got one sewed together with the stiffener tucked inside and I just need to hand sew the 4th side together.  Then I have to do the same to the other 3 sides.  

I was able to complete another hexie diamond....#6 of 11 full ones and then there are some half ones  that need to be done.

Here are  the diamonds that are completed from before............

Here are the next ones ready to be stitched together into diamond #7

As for stash this week........I nabbed a couple charm pack 5" squares and there is one more on the way..........Deer Christmas

That's all for this week!  I hope to catch up with everyone this afternoon unless I take a nap and then it may be tomorrow! LOL!

BTW, for those of you keeping track of my accidents this past week, you can add one more...I burnt my hand with some hot grease this morning frying bacon!  But they are all small things which is much better than one BIG thing for sure!

I hope you are all well and safe!

Happy Trails!!!


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