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2015 Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith: Princess Leia Sketch Card by Tanner Padlo

For some reason the sketch cards from the Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith set don't seem to be as popular with bidders as sketch cards from other recent sets. Maybe it's because the frames restrict the size of the sketch? I don't know. Maybe it's all in my head and they are just as popular as other sketches. I just know that I've been able to grab several Leia sketches from this set without spending a ludicrous amount of money on them.

This sketch was done by artist Tanner Padlo. He seems to be most active on Instagram if you want to see some of his other stuff. I wish I had more to say about this one. It's a pretty cool sketch and Padlo does some nice work, but I am not feeling particularly inspired right now as I write this. I am trying to have a post for every day in October, but it's harder than it seems to come up with something to write for every day of the month. It was a good sketch, especially for the price I paid. Leia's pose is one of the more common ones that artists use for reference. There's nothing wrong with that as there is only so much reference material out there, but I kind of like it when an artist comes up with something of their own rather than copying a picture from a comic book or film. But at the rates the card companies are paying I can understand that artists need to pump out a certain number of cards in a limited amount of time, and the best way to do that is to replicate a photo or still from the film in your own personal style and art medium of choice. This one looks just fine as part of my Leia sketch collection. Padlo has got a couple of pieces in his Etsy shop that I really like. One is a painting of Luke and Leia together and one is a Star Wars sketch cover of Han Solo with a Toy Story twist. You should check them out.

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