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Firestorm Armada After Action Report

Ok ... so this is a few weeks old now ... took me this long to get the post finished.  While I was busy I found it easy to play some easier to setup/tear down games.  One of those such games is Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games.

I've been slowly building up my fleets for this game.  I have my Sorylian Collective fleet that I've painted myself, a large Dindrenzi Federation fleet, a Ryushi fleet, and a Rense System Navy (RSN) fleet that I picked up off Ebay.

Anyways, I got together with Roy Scaife and we played a game using all 4 fleets ... with essentially the "patrol fleet" boxed sets for each ... with a little support to even up the points.

I actually had a lot of fun playing the game.  We were both a little rusty, but my rules reference sheets helped out a lot (along with my fleet rosters).  I played the Sorylians and Ryushi while Roy played the Dindrenzi and RSN.  Each of us started with our secondary fleets (Ryushi and RSN) off table and arriving using the reserves rules.  This favored me just a little as some of my squadrons arrived before Roys.  Mind you, those RSN squadrons are tough as nails ... when they did show up --- late thank god --- they started putting the smack down.  But, by then it was too late.  I focused by fire early on against the Dindrenzi battleship and it finally went down on turn three ... and my battleship was still functional.  My cruisers paid the price for that strategic decision, but it carried the game for me in the end as loosing a capital ship is a big points swing (I gain points while at the same time he looses points).

Pictures below of the action.

Alright ... back to historical stuff now :-)

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