hmmm..this we got to see...
That is the Skin White promise...
Actually i don't wanna whiten my face as im having a hard time matching my facial skin to the rest of my body. As much as possible i try to avoid whitening products which is a bit hard to since here in the Philippines most of the facial products sold are leaning towards whitening the skin asap... & so is this product....
In here being white is hot, whereas in some countries they prefer to be tanned ~ ironic,ain't it?
Ill not go into details of what it is supposed to do, ill just let you take a look at the back of it (just click it to make it large)
With it being in a squeeze tube which makes it you can toss this in your bag & not worry if a friend is gonna use it, passing bacteria to each
This product have 2 shades available which is the White (which im guessing is really just like a white powder) & the Light Beige ( as what you can see i choose the light beige).
And this is how the light beige looked like...
then i have to spread it out of course so that you will see it...
You can see that it does provide some coverage...
& this time ill put it on my face...
make it half of my face so that you would be able to see if there is any difference at all...
are you ready?
you'll see my pic with blemishes & all...
stop scrolling if you don't wanna be doomed for the rest of your week
(just week because its already
aren't you a naughty girl?...still want to see even if you have been warned....
. asked for it!
for the last time...
stop scrolling!
. goes...
I just applied on my right face...
of course i have to strike a pose! XD
I already labeled it so that you can just see for yourself if there's any difference at all...
What i like about it is:
- great packaging
- affordable...actually i can say that its dirt cheap!
- small enough to fit in your tote bag
- you don't need to use a lot of it, just a small amount is enough
- provides a smooth finish
- the scent is somewhat very powdery (a bit overpowering) when you squeezed it out but will fade afterwards (or i guess i just got used to it since its on my face already)
- its supposed to be light but for some reason i feel like its clogging my pores & my skin can't breath...weird..(maybe its because im not used to cream stuff
ill just save it if there would be an occasion that i would need it...& if that happens i'll see for myself if it really can whiten in as fast as 7 days...
And with that..i'll just leave the last say to you....
For now, ima go & watch Survivor now...
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