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Busy busy busy.

The days are whizzing by at a rate of knots, I do keep popping in to read some blogs, and manage to write a comment or two, but I am barely keeping up. The days are slowly drawing out and we are having some very sunny days, I have just been walking with the dogs and it was warm enough to stand around while the dogs played. There were 6 together and they had a wonderful play, Ben has had a drink and is getting some shuteye on the sofa beside me.

The sewing is going well, still have not tried the new Janome but I did layer a quilt on the frame and get it pin basted. The frame has just about earned its keep with that one act, no backache, stiff joints or pain.
The quilt was this one,

This was made, quilted and bound by The Muscle for his daughter next Christmas.
The strips are from some very cheap Jelly Rolls that I bought 3 years ago but the border was from Dawn a few days ago.
He wanted to try some smaller projects before starting the second quilt and made these, they are now layered, pin basted and ready for him to quilt. The envelope backs are ready for him to add, and a set of cushion covers will become another gift.

My visitor cat has been back every day, yesterday she cleared 3 plates of food, she is a skinny Minnie so I feed her on demand.

This was after her first visit, I now know that she was telling me that she would be back later for lunch.
This is the cushion cover that morphed into a wall hanging, the hanging loops are in place, it just needs a piece of doweling slotted in.
My potato buckets all have their drainage holes drilled out and the seed potatoes are chitted up, I managed to get some Rocket and found some Arran Pilot as well. Pilot were my Dad's favourite early potato, they are a heavy cropper so will go into the ground. I think that I may well be feeding most of my neighbours for a few weeks.
I need to empty my seed tin out and get the contents into sowing order, I want to draw up a plan as well otherwise I will end up putting things anywhere with no regard as to how long they will be in the ground.
Dinner tonight is fish, chips and mushy peas, fish and peas  from Lidl and potatoes from the fruit and veg outlet that Dawn told us about. Lots of bargains to be had, I stocked up on grapes and grapefruit. I also found a bag of Cinder Toffee, without chocolate. Yum.
I am off to the kitchen now, I need to make some bread and get some chips cut, I like to soak them in cold water for a few hours before cooking them. They will be oven cooked as will the fish and the bread will go in the hot oven to cook while I eat.
                             TTFN                                            Pam


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