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Some musings after the cruise...

I tried to post this yesterday morning, but my internet was down, Old NFO understands my pain...
   I was taking a break from studying and decided to do a post that I wanted to do earlier in the week....but work and sleep and doing stuff with the kid were more important than blogging....I know..

.Well anyway we were coming back from the cruise and we were going through Savannah and I saw the billboard for this place...
I tried to "google" for the billboard using both "Black Rifle Coffee" and "9-line" and somehow google slid in antigun stuff into my search....go figure...well anyway the kid was driving and I said, "I want to go there". and we did.  I got a coffee....of course  while I was walking around looking at the stuff, the smell of strong coffee permeated the atmosphere...and I was thinking.."Wow a starbucks for people like me".  I was walking around and my son commented "I bet that Mack would love this place", and I replied "yeah he would...". 
I picked up some SWAG for my toolbox and GunSafe,    I picked up a mug
This was on the back of it...:)

It was a good trip and when I got home, there was a package for me that I ordered...
It was the first hat that I saw that was "Desert Storm" related that I actually liked.  It was a bit pricey at $35 and the proceeds go toward the Gulf War museum that is being planned.  I took it to work, and I will wear it when I do my "Honor Guard" stuff at work.
And Yes the 9 line sticker looked good on the truck.

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